We take seriously the protection of your personal data. The information provided below will inform you what data we collect about you when you visit our website (, as well as how we use and process it. Our privacy policy does not apply to websites linked to our website. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy statement, you authorise NOVUS RESTAURANTS DOO to process your personal data in line with the Personal Data Protection Act and for the purposes listed below.

We kindly ask you to read this Privacy Policy. It will be presumed that you accept all of the below if you decide to use our website. Additionally, we are entitled to amend this Policy at any time, and such modifications will be disclosed on this page.

Company information


Nivo 2, Galerija Mall (parking A), Bulevar Vudroa Vilsona 12, 11000 Beograd

11000 Belgrade

Phone: +381 062 82 88 088


Your rights

You are entitled to free information on the personal data processed by NOVUS RESTAURANTS DOO. You also have the following rights:

Right of access – The right to examine and request information about how your data is processed. Right to correction – The right to ask that your personal data be rectified. Right to erasure – The right to ask that personal data be deleted. Right to restriction of processing – The right to request restriction of personal data processing. Right to data portability – The right to transfer personal data in a machine-readable format. Right to object – The right to both object to the processing of personal data and to withdraw the related permission. Automated decision-making – The right not to be subject to decisions that are exclusively based on automated data processing.

When, why and how we collect your data

We must collect, process, and occasionally exchange your personal information in order to successfully fulfil our duties and commitments to you. Personal data includes details such as your name, address, phone number, email address, or location that can be used to identify you directly or indirectly.

Throughout the ordering process, your personal data is also processed. Your account information is processed when you submit an order, depending on whether you are a registered user or a guest of the website (if applicable). After submitting the order to the restaurant, we check to see if the food delivery has been successfully completed.

Categories of personal data:

Account information Connection data (page visit time, date, time on site/session time, source, corresponding IP address, other process information) Communication information Device information Order information Other information In order to successfully place your order, you need to fill in the “required fields” provided for basic information. We cannot process your order without this data. You do not need to fill in the fields that are not mandatory. However, if you choose to share such information with us, you will help us improve our service.

Setting cookies

We employ so-called cookies to enhance user experience on our website and make some features more efficient. Small text files known as cookies are kept in your browser. After the browser session ends or the browser is closed, some cookies are removed (called “session cookies”). Other cookies are stored on your devices and can be used to identify you when you return to our website (persistent cookies). You can enable the option in your browser to be notified about cookie settings and to choose whether to accept or reject cookies when visiting a website on a regular basis or in certain instances. Disabling cookies could make our website less functional.

Categories of cookies

Mandatory cookies are required as they enable you to access the website’s functionality and navigation. Without these cookies, the functionality of the website cannot be guaranteed. Website functionality includes all actions performed on a website (e.g. text input) and even website navigation.

Functional cookies enhance the website’s capacity to deliver higher-quality services by enabling the website to save previously entered data (such as username, language, or location). These cookies collect anonymous information, so other websites cannot track you.

Performance cookies collect data on how you use a website, such as which of our websites you frequently visit and whether you ever get error messages from our online platform. These cookies do not however keep track of user identities. The collected information is anonymous and aggregated (grouped). These cookies are only utilized to make the website better and to enhance user experience.

Advertising that is targeted to the user and his interests uses cookies for marketing objectives. They are employed to regulate advertisements and assess the success of promotional campaigns. Your visit to the website is thus recorded. To enhance marketing and advertising targeting, this information may be disclosed to other parties (such as advertisers).

Complaints regarding the use of cookies

If you do not want NOVUS RESTAURANTS DOO doo to save information about your visit to our website, you can opt out. You can disable this feature in your browser if you prefer not to use cookies. You need to turn them off again in each browser or device you use if you delete cookies or go to another browser.

If you disable the setting of cookies, you may not be able to use certain functionalities on the website.

Please refer to the following link for more information: and .

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